Developing with Arduino on OpenBSD


I haven’t touched my arduino in a very very long time. I decided it was time to try again and play.

For OpenBSD, I needed to install arduino and arduino-makefile packages. I found a few snags that had changed since I first attempted to make anything work on arduino.

First up was to install the arduino packages.

doas pkg_add arduino arduino-makefile

Something I either forgot, or never did, was that my code needed to be in .ino

Building the arduino files requires a Makefile:

BOARD_TAG    = uno

include /usr/local/share/arduino-makefile/

gmake works for the build once we have that Makefile.

gmake upload will fail though because of the Makefile and more specifically, the include cannot find the avrdude config.

We need to add the following lines to the Makefile:

AVRDUDE      = /usr/local/bin/avrdude
AVRDUDE_CONF = /usr/local/share/arduino/bootloaders/gemma/avrdude.conf

This now allows us to upload the config properly


OpenBSD Audio Issues

Single Board Computer Frustration